How to Build a Solid Case With Your Drug Defense Lawyer and Maximize Your Chance of a Successful Outcome

A jar of multi-colored pills knocked over and spilling out.

Your fight against drug charges could determine the quality of your life for decades to come. Being convicted of a drug offense in Kansas can mean jail time, heavy fines, and civil forfeitures. Working with a drug defense lawyer in Kansas will give you a stronger chance of prevailing over the charges. Here is a […]

4 Dangers of Hiring a Poor or Inexperienced DUI Lawyer

A desk with a laptop and the scales of justice on a criminal law attorneys desk.

If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having to hire a DUI lawyer, you should take extra care to ensure that you are hiring a professional attorney best suited to handle your case. Poor or inexperienced lawyers may give substandard advice, leading to unfavorable outcomes in court. This can have disastrous implications for […]

Ask a DUI Attorney: 10 Frequently Asked Questions

A man blowing into a breathalyzer device during a DUI stop.

If you have been charged with a DUI, you have a limited amount of time to get the information you need and start building your defense. We recommend that individuals facing a DUI consider the consequences of a conviction before they agree to a plea bargain. In many cases, acting quickly and understanding the legal […]