Accused individuals may find themselves facing felony or misdemeanor charges and may wonder what the significance of one over the other is and what the difference is. Any type of criminal charge is serious, but it is helpful for accused individuals to know what they are facing when confronted with criminal charges of any type. […]
When you get together with college friends for some fun and relaxation in your free time, do you ever engage in friendly competition? If you’re a member of your schools’ sports teams or are simply the type of person who enjoys a great contest, you may not be a stranger to physical fitness games or […]
Criminal defense protections are important to be familiar with when facing DUI charges or any other criminal charges. Two Kansas University football lineman have been arrested recently on DUI charges. Most recently, an offensive lineman was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence charges and prior to that, yet still this summer, a defensive […]
The plea bargaining process is an important part of the criminal justice system for any accused individual to understand and be familiar with. Many criminal cases are plea bargained, which is why it is essential that accused individuals understand what plea negotiations entail. There are different types of plea bargains and there are two types that are most […]
Violations of drug trafficking laws can carry serious potential penalties and consequences. As a result, individuals facing drug trafficking accusations and charges must be familiar with the legal options available to protect them. Criminal defense options range from challenging the facts as alleged by police to challenging police conduct or procedure. Drug trafficking charges penalize transporting, […]